Sunday, December 26, 2021

Horseless Drive

 Like so many things we've missed in the past year, here's a few from the annual Horseless Carriage Drive: 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Return of the Frog and Pizza Show!

 Like so many other things, beloved, long time car shows are oozing back. This past weekend, it was that fest of All Things Italian and French, the "Best of France and Italy" show, now in about its 27th year! The crowd was huge, the cars were the normal (funny how "normal" has become an unusual term) collection of hoards of Fiats and Alfas, a string of DS Citroens (including FIVE, count 'em FIVE wagons!) and, because the weather was nice, bunches of Exotics. Even the usual jerk driving a BMW and getting angry that he couldn't just pay to park instead of finding a place amongst the proles. THIS clown even made the almost fatal mistake of getting OUT of his car and confronting Tina, aka She Who Must Be Obeyed, and demanding to see "the man in charge." A hush fell over the park. Tina has been known to disembowel men for such comments. She drew herself up and well beyond her 5' of stature, glared down at the yokel and split him in two. I think the blue haze of her attack has finally disappated somewhere over Pacoima. 

A couple of real gems stood out amoungst the almost 400 cars that showed. Here's a sampling. 

Yes, even Sgt. Pepper's Band showed up! 

OK, extra credit if you can tell us what this is and where it's from. And no, it's not French or Italian. 

Pure geius, putting the radiator BEHIND the engine so it gets all the nice hot air from it. 
From the ridiculous to the sublime! 
What genius thought putting the distributor out front, down low, and right behind the OPEN GRILL was a good idea? Must be a lot of fun on a wet day. 

Not one, but TWO Double Bubbles! 
Really? A Ducatti Chopper? 
Yes, a PAIR of wipers on the back window.

OK, quiz answer: That little brown thing is an IFA. A kind of East German version of the DKW, but without all the bourgeois comforts. And you thought the Traubant was the worst thing the DDR added to the automotive world.